Maintenance & service, accessories and refurbishment

Environmental service

Maintenance, service & renovation

Environmental engineering

For the life cycle of wastewater systems

FUCHS is one of the largest maintenance provider for sewage and separation technology in Germany. We build and look after plants for customers like Aral, BP, Daimler-Chrysler and BMW.

In addition to manufacturing the plants in the precast plants, FUCHS UmweltService offers a comprehensive service for the maintenance and servicing of sewage treatment plants, separators, fissile and process water treatment plants as well as pumping stations. We maintain plants of the leading manufacturers and types and, through our factory history, have a strong bond to former Dywidag and Rhebau plants.

Competent and costumer-oriented

As a specialist company according to the Water Resources Act (WHG), our special range of services is based on expert advice and tailor-made solutions. We analyze, advise, maintain and document the current status of the systems.

All measures are taken after expert advice and actual required by our qualified service team. So our customers are well prepared for all official controls. We also offer solutions and concepts for the rehabilitation, repair, sealing and upgrading of underground structures made of concrete and masonry.


Wartung der Abscheider durch FUCHS UmweltService
Wartung Abscheideranlagen

Maintenance contract for

  • separator systems for light liquids and grease
  • splitting plants
  • pump stations
  • service water treatment plants
  • sewage treatment plants

Range of services

  • Planning, manufacture, delivery & installation
  • Commissioning
  • Regular maintenance and self-checks
  • Maintenance & repair
  • Documentation in the operating book
  • General inspection & leak checks
  • Coordination of waste disposal companies
  • Sale of spare parts

Contact us!


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Treffen Sie uns am 23.01.2025 auf dem Tiefbauforum in Ulm.