Abscheide- und Pumptechnik für eine Werkstatthalle, Großräschen
Leichtflüssigkeitsabscheider, Pumpstationen und weitere Bauwerke für die Entwässerung an Kesselwagen-Reinigungsanlagen
FUCHS & Söhne Service GmbH
Wegscheid 1a
92334 Berching
Tel. +49 8462 348 97-50
Fax +49 8462 348 97-80
The central objectives of our modern separator systems are to protect natural resources and preserve our quality of life. Mineral light liquids such as petrol, diesel or oils pose a threat to water bodies.
The introduction of these substances into the water cycle leads to a reduction in oxygen uptake in the water and thus impairs natural self-purification. To ensure consistently high water quality, it is therefore necessary to separate oily substances using wastewater pre-treatment systems.
Our separators from the Dywidag - Aquaschutz® product line have been making a valuable contribution to active environmental protection for more than 135 years. The first separator was installed back in 1890 under the name Dywidag.
Inventive spirit coupled with innovative strength and a high level of technical expertise in the field of process engineering form the basis of the Dywidag separator series.
More than 35,000 installations in Germany and neighboring countries testify to the experience and sustainability of the products.