Trusted separation technology – DYWIDAG and Rhebau separators

Separation technology

Protecting natural resources

Environmental engineering

Water protection from mineral light fluids

Protection of natural resources and preservation of quality of life is a central target of our modern separator systems. Mineral light fluids like petrol, diesel or oils constitute a hazard for waters.  

Discharging such substances into the water cycle leads to a reduction of oxygen uptake in the water and therefore impairs natural self-cleaning. It is important to separate oil-bearing substances by wastewater pre-treatment plants to ensure a constant high water quality. 

Range of products

  • ABKW separators (systems for the treatment of wastewater containing mineral oil, with parts biodiesel, biofuel oil and ethanol)
  • Pre-sludge and sludge trap
  • Light liquid separator complying with CE DIN EN 858-1, coalescence separator (Class I separator), petrol/oil separator (Class II separator)
  • Sampling shaft complying with DIN 1999-100
  • Grease separator complying with CE DIN EN 1825-1
  • Pumping station & backflow protection
  • Sampling shaft complying with DIN 4040-100
Abscheideranlagen in Baugrube
Abscheider Optimus KA-I NS 15

Committed to tradition

DYWIDAG separators of the product line DYWIDAG Aquaschutz® have made an important contribution to active environmental protection for more than 135 years. Inventive talent, innovative capacity and specialist know-how in the field of process engineering are the basis of the DYWIDAG separator series. More than 35.000 systems in Germany and neighboring countries confirm the experience and sustainability of the products.

With certainty – everything from one source

  • DYWIPOX® coating systems
  • Installation, commissioning and general inspection as well as leak testing
  • Maintenance & service, refurbishment & repair
  • QM system complying with DIN EN ISO 9001
  • DIBt building inspection approvals
  • Type statics and type testing by the LGA
  • KOMO certification
  • Quality-monitored production in accordance with the GET quality guidelines with RAL-GZ 693

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