Anlagen für Wasserversorgung

Systems for water supply

Proven quality from experience

Environmental engineering

Large-capacity containers for a wide range of applications

The prestressed concrete tanks - DRÖSSLER system stand for high-volume solutions in water supply. They are characterized by their high-quality construction and their versatility in design, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.

Whether as drinking water tanks, extinguishing water tanks or sprinkler tanks - we offer both standardized and individual solutions of the highest quality. The special mineral joint design of the prestressed concrete tanks ensures a monolithic, rigid connection between the elements.

In addition to classic water reservoirs, prefabricated waterworks can also be planned and constructed. In accordance with the specifications of the specialist planner, we supply the precast concept, construction, formwork and reinforcement plans and prepare the structural analysis. Production and assembly are carried out by our trained employees. We supply the complete solution with certified safety.

Trinkwasserbehälter in Spannbetonbauweise
Großvolumige Trinkwasserkammer

Drinking water tank

  • Particularly high-quality, joint-free and purely mineral wall surfaces
  • Sloping ceilings for optimum ventilation
  • Low-porosity and cavity-free interior wall surface
  • Drip-friendly structured ceiling sub-layers
  • Individual geometries for optimum use of space
  • Certified concrete types (test certificate in accordance with W347)
  • Specialist company in accordance with DVGW W316

Waterworks as a complete solution

  • Complete solutions from concept to production and assembly
  • All concrete structures from a single source:
    Storage tanks
    Booster station
    Slide valve chamber
    Gravel filter
    Turbine building
    Well room
Wasserwerke als Komplettlösung
Löschwasser- und Sprinklerbehälter

Extinguishing water and sprinkler tanks

  • Type-tested statics for your building permit
  • Short construction time thanks to prefabrication of wall and ceiling elements
  • Cost-effectiveness and safety thanks to decades of proven system construction method
  • Extinguishing water tanks in accordance with DIN 14230
  • Sprinkler tanks in accordance with VdS guidelines and FM Global Standard

Wide variety of shapes and designs

  • Round containers
  • Oval containers
  • andoc® - tanks with an extremely advantageous geometry
    Flow-friendly tank in the smallest of spaces
    Use of the outer walls as partition walls
    Optimum connection of the sliding chamber
  • Sandwich tank
  • Rectangular tanks
  • Individual special geometries according to customer requirements
Große Vielfalt an Formen und Bauweisen

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